Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Accessing bank data crime through the use of various information Dissertation

Getting to bank information wrongdoing using different data innovation in Saudi law - Dissertation Example In any case, the equivalent has additionally prompted a concurrent ascent in information violations, and character robberies have expanded complex. The ‘playing field’ for hoodlums has additionally broadened, opening up fresher roads for carrying out virtual wrongdoings; in this manner supplanting upsetting physical experiences with digital violations (Yusuf 2003). For example, preceding the computerization of banks, a large portion of the bank fakes or burglaries included furnished thefts and breaking into banks making physical injury individuals and impressive harm to property. Today, the lawbreakers use web to break into customers’ records and take their characters for pulling back money, in this manner just causing fiscal harm. The apparatuses accessible at the removal of such lawbreakers have likewise risen extensively with the appearance of data innovation, where cheats and robberies can without much of a stretch be submitted from the solaces of one’s own home (Forder, Quirk, 2001; Kono et al, 2002). The way that PCs and web have made life simpler for clients in the financial segment, with administrations empowered through innovation, for example, ATMs, web banking, and bank by telephone administrations, can't be denied. In any case, simultaneously, the complexities of bank-related wrongdoings have additionally expanded considerably and at the same time. It has presented more up to date difficulties for law implementation offices to screen and control such wrongdoings, making it for all intents and purposes required for the administrators to sanction new digital laws; and their officials to pick up and be capable in software engineering/criminology. As people develop increasingly more reliant on innovation, all things considered, PC related violations would increment all the while (Lee, Lee, and Kim, 2007). Consequently, the fitting order and utilization of laws and compelling utilization of innovation are the main devices to ba ttle and address such violations with most extreme proficiency. Moreover, it is additionally similarly significant, fairly basic, for clients to comprehend and know about such violations in order to make sure about their ledgers from such false practices (Sathe, 1999; Salvatore, 2006; Jaffer, 2005; Laforet 2008; Dar and Presley 2003). This paper looks to talk about, break down and prescribe approaches to battle the difficulties presented by innovation empowered wrongdoings inside the financial segment, and utilize equivalent to a powerful methods for making sure about and forestalling bank information robberies. Which means and Definitions of key terms utilized: Data: According to Article 1 (3) of the Anti Cyber Crime Law, the term ‘data’ alludes to â€Å"Information, orders, messages, voices, or pictures which are arranged or have been set up for use in PCs. This incorporates information which can be spared, prepared, transmitted, or built by PCs, for example, numbers , letters, codes, etc.† Thus regarding banks and with the end goal of this investigation, information burglaries alludes to the robbery of all or any of the previously mentioned information by utilization of data innovation. Hugeness: This investigation would help in recognizing the different manners by which information robberies happen in banks and bring issues to light on the issue. Besides, it is expected to feature the numerous manners by which innovation can be utilized to counter such violations, and address them through compelling utilization of innovation (Zheng and Ni, 2006). This investigation would likewise incorporate different suggestions to lessen such robberies through system security; guarantee more prominent insurance of customers’ information by utilizing instruments which would forestall the digital hoodlums from hacking and other comparative ID related cheats. Consequently, help the banks in improving its efficiency just as gainfulness by offering s ecure exchanges. Extent of study: This investigation expects to feature the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

ADD and ADHD Behavior Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Include and ADHD Behavior - Research Paper Example (Hermann et al, 2007).The totally doubtful and exceptionally flawed analysis known as Attention Deficit Disorder frames the premise of regulating hazardous energizer medications to a large number of kids far and wide every year. The energizer drugs are known to adjust conduct by trading off human health.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a well known sub sort of Attention Deficit Disorder and they are simply innovations which are a consequence of legislative issues and clashing world economics.The ridiculousness of the designed malady is reflected by its foolishness of the symptomatic measures recorded in DSM-IV. Besides, the evidence of the nonexistence of ADD and ADHD is given by the way that there are definitely no physiological or natural discoveries to validate the presence of this designed disease.The manifestations of ADD and ADHD are youth practices, running from typical to non-objection, and these indications themselves mirror the non presence of the disease.Despite the way that the legitimacy of ADD and ADHD is deceptive, the quantity of kids and youthful grown-ups being determined to have the imagined ailments are skyrocketing.Unfortunately, the quantity of sick people is ascending with the entry of each year.Apart from the rising number cases, another discouraging part of the malady is that an impressively huge number of analyzed youngsters and youthful grown-ups are treated by managing perilous energizer drugs.... Shockingly, the nonappearance of mediation in the utilization of finding and energizer sedates, the well known and enticing idea of ADD will keep on thriving which will definitely keep on tossing honest kids and youthful grown-ups into a profound fumbling ocean of dread and confinement. (Jacobs, 2004). Prominence of ADD and ADHD A stunning number of kids and youthful grown-ups are determined to have ADD or ADHD every year. The expanded fame of the designed ailment among wellbeing experts has brought about an ever increasing number of youngsters accepting hazardous energizer drugs. The confusing impact of energizers on youngsters has been uncovered by arduous clinical examinations led by clinicians around the globe. Tragically, the beginning of treatment systems including energizer drugs has not been faltered by the surfacing of dumbfounding impact of these medications on youngsters and youthful grown-ups. As per wellbeing experts, ADD and ADHD proceeds into adulthood and is answerabl e for criminal practices. Be that as it may, such cases have no reality as I would see it on the grounds that the sickness just has no natural or physiological discoveries. There is no confirmation of the presence of the sickness in this manner; wellbeing staff can't legitimize their cases that adulthood criminal conduct is a result of ADD and ADHD in youth. (Jacobs, 2004). Perils of Stimulant Drugs Ritalin (methylphenidate) and dexamphetamine are pharmacologically like cocaine and are two of the most well known medications for organization in ADHD. The medications have critical impacts which are like the ones intervened by cocaine. The central impacts of energizer drugs utilized in the treatment of ADHD and ADD are that they cause the patients experiencing treatment to

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

College Application Timeline for High School Seniors

College Application Timeline for High School Seniors (1) Can you believe that the time to apply to college has finally come? Even though it might seem like the days of pep rallies and prom will last forever, you’ll be off to somewhere new before you know it. Applying to college can be stressful, but staying on top of important dates and deadlines will make things a lot easier. Check out the timeline below to start off senior year and the college admissions process on the right foot! If you’re assigned any papers during your senior year, you can count on EasyBib citing tools for help generating an MLA format citation, an APA format title page, or a Chicago citation. The general dates below were true at the time this article was written. To obtain up-to-date and specific deadlines, be sure to visit the website of anything that interests you. Late summer/early fall (Aug-Oct) As you go into your senior year, you should have finalized a list of colleges that interest you. You might want to apply to schools that will likely accept you, as well as schools that have stricter admissions policies. It’s important that you’re mindful of all of the requirements of your preferred schools, including different standardized tests or recommendation letters. Dates and deadlines: August 1st: The Common Application opens, along with many other schools’ applications for admissions online. End of September: Have at least two teachers or community members set to write you a letter of recommendation. End of September/Early October: Retake any standardized tests to boost your scores, including the SAT, ACT, or SAT subject tests. October 1st: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ®) opens, which allows you to apply for need-based financial aid for college. Ask a school guidance counselor if you need financial help with applications and would like a fee waiver. Mid-to-late fall (Oct-Nov) After you’ve figured out what schools you like, it is a good idea to start working on your supplemental essays and overall application. If you like a particular school a lot, consider applying to an early action or early decision program that will let you know your admissions decision sooner. Most schools have scholarship programs for merit or need, too, so do a little investigating to see if you’re eligible and map out the dates in your planner. Tip: Have a friend, parent, or teacher look through your essay and application before you send it off. Running your essay through a grammar or spell check can also you spot typos before it’s too late. Dates and deadlines: October: Start looking for university-specific scholarship programs. October/November: Check out national scholarship programs like Coca-Cola Scholars, Gates Scholars, or Jack Kent Cooke that have deadlines in the fall. November 1st: Most universities have early acceptance program deadlines on this day. November: Start exploring community or field-specific scholarships and considering your financial needs. There are even apps like Scholly to help with this! Winter (Jan-Feb) Now that you’ve got most of your application material submitted, you can focus on finding external scholarships and sending any mid-year reports that your preferred schools require. Consider signing up for an alumni interview or doing a second tour if you find out that you have been accepted. Dates and deadlines: January 1st: Most universities have regular admissions deadlines on this day. January/February: Schools that require a CSS profile have varying deadlines. Spring (Mar-May) At this point in your senior year, you’ve almost made it! You’ll be walking in your cap and gown in no time at all. Now, all that is left is to make your final decisions and tell your schools what you decide. You should feel a massive load off of your shoulders at this point. Chin up, though, and make it through senior year strong! Remember, colleges will look at your grades from your last semester of high school. Dates and deadlines: March/April: Most universities will release their admissions decisions. March/April: Start preparing for AP, IB, or final examinations. April: Send supplemental materials to any colleges that have waitlisted you. May 1: Most schools have their decision deadline. Give yourself a big pat on the back for making it this far! While this process of applying to colleges can feel full of emotions, keeping on a schedule and being organized will calm your nerves and make you feel like you’re on top of it. While the guidelines change from school to school, keep this as your general guide for the yearâ€" and best of luck! Searching for inspiration? EasyBib has a resource with thought-provoking Martin Luther King Jr quotes, Abraham Lincoln facts, Dr. Seuss quotes, and more!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Obtain Louisiana Vital Records Birth, Death Marriage

Learn how and where to obtain birth, marriage, and death certificates and records in Louisiana, including the dates for which Louisiana vital records are available, where they are located, and links to online Louisiana vital records databases. Louisiana Vital Records: Louisiana Vital Records RegistryOffice of Public HealthP.O. Box 60630New Orleans, LA 70160Phone: (504) 568-5152 What You Need to Know:Check or money order should be made payable to Vital Records. Personal checks are accepted. Call or visit the Web site to verify current fees. Louisiana state law limits access to birth records of less than 100 years and death records of less than 50 years to the registrant and immediate or surviving family members. Identification is required. Web site: Louisiana Vital Records Registry Louisiana Birth Records Dates: From July 1914 (Orleans Parish back to 1790) Cost of copy: Long-form $15.00 Comments: Louisiana is a closed records state and access to birth certificates is restricted to immediate family members and legal representatives (spouse, parents, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren). If you are obtaining this certificate for genealogy purposes, the long-form is preferred because the short form does NOT include the parents full names, their places of birth, or their ages. With your request, include as much as you can of the following: the name on the birth record being requested, date of birth, place of birth (city or county), fathers full name, (last, first, middle), mothers full name, including her maiden name, your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your purpose for needing the copy, your daytime telephone number with area code, your handwritten signature and complete return mailing address. Be sure to include a copy of your valid photo ID.Application for Louisiana Birth Certificate * Orleans Parish birth records for 1819–1908 (births over 100 years ago) may be obtained from the Louisiana State Archives. The Archives also holds an index to Orleans births from 1790–1818, but no records. The Louisiana State Archives charges $5.00 for a certified copy which includes a three year search per surname. Alternatively, you can obtain a non-certified copy for $0.50 if you conduct your own search in person at the Archives.   Louisiana Death Records Dates: From 1911 (statewide) Cost of copy: $7.00 (1958 to present); $5.00 (prior to 1958) Comments: Access to death records less than 50 years old in Louisiana is restricted to immediate family members (spouse, parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren). Louisiana death records from 1965  to the present can be obtained from the Louisiana Vital Records Registry. With your request, include as much as you can of the following: the name on the death record, date of death, place of death (city or county), your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your purpose for needing the copy, your telephone number with area code, copy of your photo ID, your handwritten signature and mailing address.Application for Louisiana Death Certificate (1965  to present) Louisiana death records from 1911-1964  (statewide) are available from the Louisiana State Archives (without access restrictions). Prior to 1911, the only death records available from the Louisiana State Archives are from Jefferson and Orleans Parishes, dating back to 1819 (index only for 1804-1818). Online: Louisiana Death Records Search, 1911-1965  (free)   Louisiana Marriage Records Dates: From July 1914 (statewide) Cost of Copy:  $5.00  (Orleans parish only) Comments: For all other parishes, marriage records are maintained by the office of the Clerk of Court in the parish where the marriage license was purchased. Although the keeping of marriage records in LA did not become a statewide mandate until 1911, many earlier records do exist. Orleans Parish marriage records over 50 years old should be requested from the Louisiana State Archives from 1870 (index only for 1831-1869). For marriage records for parishes other than Orleans, contact the Office of the Clerk of Court for that parish.   Louisiana Divorce Records Dates: Varies by county Cost of copy: Varies Comments: Louisiana divorce records are available from the Clerk of Court in the parish where divorce was granted. Fees vary.   More US Vital Records - Choose a State

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Importance Of Technology And Scientific Advancements...

How does technology and scientific discoveries affect our society? Should all scientific advancements be moral and benefit our lives? In â€Å"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks†, Rebecca Skloot talks about the importance of HeLa cells in the scientific world and the woman behind them.â€Å"De-Extinction: The Science and Ethics of Bringing Lost Species Back to Life† discusses the pros and cons of bringing back extinct animals are debated. Robert Louis Stevenson writes about the fight between good and evil from a flawed experiment in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The novella and articles show the importance of getting consent from people before using them in experiments, to make sure any life created from new technology is healthy†¦show more content†¦It is unethical for them to take advantage of a person or any living being even it is for the benefit of someone else. â€Å"De-extinction† also highlights the importance of respect for living beings. First off, what is de-extinction? It is bringing back animals that have been extinct. There have been claims that de-extinction will help replenish our ecosystems and protect biodiversity. The point essay also says â€Å"resurrecting extinct animals may help us control the ravages of global warming and human overpopulation†(De-Extinction 63). However, there is no evidence that supports the author’s claim. It’s one thing to say how great it would be to bring back all the extinct species; actually bringing them back is another conversation. The point essay made it sound like humans have been keeping these extinct animals locked away from the world. In reality, it would be a long time with many trial and errors before we could successfully bring back some of the extinct species. Are we willing to make animals suffer for a selfish human dream of seeing extinct animals? A great ex ample of what could really happen if de-extinction is pursued by scientists is Dolly the sheep.â€Å"Dolly was euthanized after only half her natural lifespan because she had severe arthritis and lung disease†(De-Extinction 64). As a result, Dolly lived a short, painful and unhappy life. It is inhumane to bring animals back just because weShow MoreRelatedCoe of Ethics1625 Words   |  7 PagesEthic Paper There are many healthcare organizations that follow their own mission with ethical values and company goals. The American Association for the Advancement of Science follows the mission statement of â€Å"advance science engineering, and innovations throughout the world for the benefit of all people.† (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2015) By following company goals, this statement can be reinforced. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Edgar Allen Poe Alcohol’ Free Essays

Sam Doueiri Edgar Allan Poe and substance abuse The Bottled Curse Edgar Allan Poe was one of America’s most celebrated poet and story teller. His life started early with misfortune. Both of his parents were already dead, when Edgar was 3 years old. We will write a custom essay sample on Edgar Allen Poe Alcohol’ or any similar topic only for you Order Now His father died of tuberculosis and his mother died of tuberculosis and pneumonia. He was adopted and attended school until he was 17 years old. He started the abuse of alcohol with 17 and he started gambling. As his adopting father figured out, he stopped all financial supports of his adopted son. Edgar had to leave the University and he enlisted in the U. S. military, and later obtained a military school. Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from the military school after one year attending. During his time in this school he published his first poetry book. Over the years Poe established a reputation as a writer. Drinking remained a lifelong problem. Edgar adopted a lifestyle which included a constant abuse of alcohol. Although writing brought him fame, he had to struggle through his whole life with financial issues. Because of the leaking copyright protection to his time, he never was financially rewarded for his excellent masterpieces of poetry and literature. Therefore he struggled through his whole life with money issues. Throughout most of his writings Edgar Allan Poe mentions the abuse of alcohol â€Å"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. During these fits of absolute unconsciousness I drank †¦ God only knows how often or how much. As a matter of course, my enemies referred the insanity to the drink rather than the drink to the insanity. † Courtney JF: â€Å"Addiction and Edgar Ellen Poe† Med Times 1972; 100:162-163. He started in a young age with the excessive abuse of alcohol, as a classmate recalled: â€Å"He would always seize the tempting glass, generally unmixed with sugar or water- in fact, perfectly straight- and without the least apparent pleasure, swallow the contents, never pausing until the last drop had passed his lips. Bonaparte M: â€Å"The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe†, Imago Pub, London 1949:31-32 Alcohol appears frequently in Poe’s stories, usually connected to some following violent act or event: † One night, returning home, much intoxicated, from one of my haunts about town, I fancied that the cat avoided my presence. I seized him; when, in his fright at my violence, he inflicted a slight wound upon my hand with his teeth. The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fiber of my frame. I took from my waistcoat-pocket a penknife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberately cut one of its eyes from the socket†¦. When reason returned with the morning- when I had slept off the fumes of the night’s debauchery-I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty; but it was, at best, a feeble and equivocal feeling, and the soul remained untouched. I again plunged into excess, and soon drowned in wine all memory of the deed. † Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat† www. heliterature network. com pages 2-5. In conclusion, Alcohol abuse became a part of Edgar Allan Poe’s life, it affected his writings his perception and his creativity. He went into almost a â€Å"Dark Side† in his life and gave little windows of his mind through his literature. It seems almost as if the Alcohol took overhand and had finally a body of mind, from which on the Alcohol himself and parts of Poe ’s personality were writing in between two different worlds, the â€Å"Dark side† and the â€Å"pure and innocent side† of life. His way of writing very â€Å" Dark† finds an interesting base of making the reader being curious what will happen next. It is† miserable† itself what makes the reader keep reading. Courtney JF: â€Å"Addiction and Edgar Ellen Poe† Med Times 1972; 100:162-163. Bonaparte M: â€Å"The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe†, Imago Pub, London 1949:31-32 Poe’s â€Å"The Black Cat† www. theliterature network. com pages 2-5. How to cite Edgar Allen Poe Alcohol’, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Database Management System Database Management System

Question- (1) E-R diagram:adherence to our standard, assumptions made, inclusion of correct primary ad foreign keys, approproate entities, reationships, and attributes.(2) Relational data structures: correct and meaningful translation of your E-R diagram.(3) Normalisation: appropriate interpretation of each normal form, arguments for leaving the schema in the normal from you consider optimal. Answer: (1)Entity Relationship Diagram (2) Relational Model The relations schemas and data types of the relations from the ERD are listed as,(A) CLIENT (ClientNumber, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, PostCode, ContactName, ABN, TFN, Structure_StructureCode) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type ClientNumber INT FirstName VARCHAR(45) LastName VARCHAR(45) Address VARCHAR(45) City VARCHAR(45) State VARCHAR(45) PostCode VARCHAR(4) ContactName VARCHAR(45) ABN VARCHAR(11) TFN VARCHAR(9) Structure_StructureCode INT B. EMPLOYEE (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, HourlyRate, AuditAdvisor, EmployeeType_EmployeeTypeCode ) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type EmployeeNumber INT Name VARCHAR(45) HourlyRate INT AuditAdvisor INT EmployeeType INT C. SECTOR (SectorCode, Name) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type SectorCode INT Name VARCHAR(45) D.SERVICE (ServiceCode, Name) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type ServiceCode INT Name VARCHAR(45) E. SECTOR_HAS_CLIENT (Sector_SectorCode, Client_ClientNumber ) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type Sector_SectorCode INT Client_ClientNumber INT F. SERVICE_HAS_CLIENT (Service_ServiceCode, Client_ClientNumber ) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type Service_ServiceCode INT Client_ClientNumber INT G. STRUCTURE (StructureCode, Description) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type StructureCode INT Description VARCHAR(45) H. EMPLOYEE_TYPE (EmployeeTypeCode, Description) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type EmployeeTypeCode INT Description VARCHAR(45) I. QUALIFICATION (QualificationCode, Description) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type QualificationCode INT Description VARCHAR(45) J. EXPERTISE (ExpertiseCode, Description) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type ExpertiseCode INT Description VARCHAR(45) K. EMPLOYEE_ HAS_EXPERTISE (Employee_EmployeeNumber, Expertise_ExpertiseCode ) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type Employee_EmployeeNumber INT Expertise_ExpertiseCode INT L. EMPLOYEE_ HAS_QUALIFICATION(Qualification_QualificationCode, Employee_EmployeeNumber) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type Qualification_QualificationCode INT Employee_EmployeeNumber INT M. TYPE_SERVICE (TypeServiceCode, TypeServiceName, Service_ServiceCode) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type TypeServiceCode INT TypeServiceName VARCHAR(45) Service_ServiceCode INT M. BILL (Date, ChargeService, TotalAmount, Type_Service_Type_Service_Code, Type_Service_Service_ServiceCode, Employee_EmployeeNumber, Client_ClientNumber) WAMP server data types are, Attribute Data Type Date DATETIME ChargeService VARCHAR(45) TotalAmount VARCHAR(45) Type_Service_Type_Service_Code INT Type_Service_Service_ServiceCode INT Employee_EmployeeNumber INT Client_ClientNumber INT (3)Normalization A. The dependency diagram for CLIENT relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is transitive dependency on primary key through non-key attribute PostCode. So, the relation is not in 3NF. B.The dependency diagram for EMPLOYEE relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. So, the relation is in 3NF. C. The dependency diagram for SECTOR relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3 There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF. D. The dependency diagram for SERVICE relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF.There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF E. The relation SECTOR_HAS_CLIENT is trivially in 3NF. There is no multivalued or composite attribute in the relation, so it is in 1NF. There are two attributes in the relation and both are part of primary key. So, there is only one composite primary key in the relation. So, it is trivially in 2NF and 3NF. F. The relation SERVICE_HAS_CLIENT is trivially in 3NF. There is no multivalued or composite attribute in the relation, so it is in 1NF. There are two attributes in the relation and both are part of primary key. So, there is only one composite primary key in the relation. So, it is trivially in 2NF and 3NF. G. The dependency diagram for STRUCTURE relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF. H. The dependency diagram for EMPLOYEE_TYPE relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF I. The dependency diagram for QUALIFICATION relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF J. The dependency diagram for EXPERTISE relation is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. Also, there is only one functional dependency in the relationship between one key and one non key attribute. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF. K. The relation EMPLOYEE_ HAS_EXPERTISE is trivially in 3NF. There is no multivalued or composite attribute in the relation, so it is in 1NF. There are two attributes in the relation and both are part of primary key. So, there is only one composite primary key in the relation. So, it is trivially in 2NF and 3NF. L. The relation EMPLOYEE_ HAS_QUALIFICATION is trivially in 3NF. There is no multivalued or composite attribute in the relation, so it is in 1NF. There are two attributes in the relation and both are part of primary key. So, there is only one composite primary key in the relation. So, it is trivially in 2NF and 3NF. M. The dependency diagram for TYPE_SERVICE is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There in partial dependency, as the primary key has only one attribute. So, the relation is in 2NF. 3. There is no transitive dependency. So, the relation is trivially in 3NF. N. The dependency diagram for BILL is, 1. All attributes of the relation has atomic values. There is primary key in the relation. So it is in 1NF. 2. There is partial dependency on prime attributes. So the relation is not in 2NF. References Harrington, J. L. (2002). Relational Database Design Clearly Explained. Morgan Kaufmann.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Importance of Multimedia in computing Essays

Importance of Multimedia in computing Essays Importance of Multimedia in computing Essay Importance of Multimedia in computing Essay IMPORTANCE OF MULTIMEDIA IN COMPUTING Computers can combine sounds, graphics, animation and audio to come up with an attractive and more enticing multimedia. There several multimedia computer softwares available in the market that offer a wide variety of features to create a multimedia presentation. Two examples are the MS Office Power Point Program and MS Movie Maker that enable the production of audio-visual multimedia presentation with various added features engaging for audiences to watch. To produce a high quality multimedia using a computer, a computer unit requires a powerful microprocessor, large memory and high storage apabilities And with the advent of multimedia, the computer has evolved into a distinctive medium that is uniquely capable of Juxtaposing text, images, audio, and video. Multimedia permits an extraordinary flexibility in conveying concepts† through words, pictures, and sounds, as something that can be built or played as well as read or watched. New genres, such as simulation games, are emerging that challenge the user or player to build some complex creation†a city, species, business, or world†out of some given set of resources, or that put the student into a imulated environment or through a scenario to meet a challenge or learn a skill. The computer thereby turns the passive reader into a participant; it cues the student of a need to do something, but not necessarily what to do. With multimedia the computer draws on more of the senses, and more dimensions of intelligence, enlarging the opportunity to learn for those who have been less able to learn from conventional teaching materials. [S]ome uses of the new media are genuinely inspired, provocative, and engaging, and these examples suggest that that we have opened an mportant new chapter in the history of the imagination†and of education. Education Computer-assisted programs like Microsoft PowerPoint have allowed classrooms to use graphics and visuals to do presentations in creative ways. Interactive graphics make learning more visually enhanced and can clarify ideas. Recreation People are able to watch movies and listen to audio books with multimedia access on their laptop computers. This allows people to entertain themselves wherever they go Researcn Journalists and the general public can stream current news through visual ultimedia and sound bytes offered for free right over the Internet. This access offers steady currents of information from all geographic areas of the world. Communication Multimedia platforms can be used as a communication device that can link to two people from different regions of the world. People are able to talk over the computer through chatting, social networking and through video cameras. Business The Internet provides the general public with website hosting and building that lets multimedia enhance an idea. These websites, blogging and social platforms give businesses a way to enhance their progress.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Risk of Osteoporosis Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Risk of Osteoporosis Disease - Essay Example Calcium is a crucial element for effective bone development. Inadequate intake of calcium during one’s early days and adolescence stage can impair the development of bones and lead to low bone mass during adulthood. Low calcium intake in adults can trigger Osteoporosis by hastening loss of bone mass. One can prevent the risk of Osteoporosis by ensuring regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, which contain minerals like potassium and vitamin C crucial for bone development. One can also consume non-fat milk and yoghurt, calcium supplements such as calcium carbonate to ensure the development of strong bones. Although the role of calcium in bone development is well-recognized, sufficient calcium intake alone is incapable of preventing Osteoporosis. Vitamin D also plays a crucial role for strong bone development. Vitamin D deficiency increases the chances of suffering from Osteoporosis. The metabolism of vitamin D increases the absorption of vitamin C and also reduces the los s of calcium through urine. Vitamin D is abundant from the sunlight and is synthesized when sun’s ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation strikes the skin (Smolin & Grosvenor, 2012, p.381-86). However, the ability of the skin to synthesize vitamin D decreases as one gets older. As such, one can supplement Vitamin D intake by eating fatty fish, fortified milk, orange juice and cereals. Inadequate Vitamin D intake would mean inadequate calcium absorption, thus weak bones.Sedentary lifestyle can be a license to osteoporosis.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Direct and Internet Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Direct and Internet Marketing - Research Paper Example From appearing first in 1952 in annual report of GE (Annual Report, New York: General Electric Company, 1952) marketing concept has acquired the most important aspect for any organization. An organization that has a market orientation focuses its efforts on. The ever changing situation of the market i.e. of buyers, suppliers, customers, employees or technological could change the equilibrium of any organization. Organizations normally adjust to these changes by changing their overall all-round policies and strategies. The market-led approach has three components: Consumer orientation, Competitor orientation and Inter-functional co-ordination (See Appendix). The result is today's "Customers era", in which firms seek continuously to satisfy the high expectations of customers. An important outgrowth of this focus on the customer is the recent attention placed on customers relationship management (CRM), the process of identifying prospective buyers, understanding them intimately and developing favorable long term perceptions of the organization and its offering so that buyers will choose them in the market place (Srivastava, Shervani and Fahey, 1999). This process requires the involvement and commitment of managers and employees throughout the organization and a growing application of information, communication and Internet technology. Now reaching perspective buyers either, directly or indirectly is a prerequisite for successful marketing. To reach out to the customers organizations use different channels through which goods and services from the producer/providers flows to buyers either through intermediaries or without them. To communicate with customers, a company can use one or more of five promotional alternatives: advertising, personal selling, public relations, sales promotions and direct marketing. The first three alternatives are often use mass selling because they are used with groups of perspective buyers. In contrast, personal selling uses customized interaction between a seller and a perspective buyer. Personal selling activities include face-to-face, telephone and interactive electronic communications. Direct marketing also uses messages customized for specific customers. Direct marketing uses direct co mmunication with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a retail outlet (Economic impact: U.S. Direct marketing today, New York: Direct marketing Association, 1998). The communication can take many forms including face to face selling, direct mail, catalogs, telephone, oscillations, direct response advertising (on television and radio and in print), and online (Internet) marketing. It has an advantage of being customized to match the needs to specific target markets. Messages can be developed and adopted quickly to facilitate one to one relationship with customers. Direct marketing have certain disadvantage First direct marketing requires a comprehensive and up to date data base with information about target market. Developing and maintaining the database can be expensive and time consuming.

Monday, January 27, 2020

How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay

How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay Energy also known as electricity is an important source of energy use all around the world. Electricity Energy helps do a lot of work such as it gives people light. It warms our bodies and homes. It runs our TVs and our cars. It makes us grow and move and think. Energy is the power to change things. It is the ability to do work. Light is a type of energy we use all the time. We use it so we can see. We get most of our light from the sun. At night people must make there our own light. Usually, we use electricity to make light. In todays world with the help of latest technology energy can be created by using heat from sun, power of wind and the force of falling water or wave. Currently government from all around the world are keen in investing a lot of money in these projects. The projects are met to be environmentally friendly, low in cost, easy to maintain and noise free. Hydro energy system provides energy that normally comes from water force and converts to electricity. Hydro energy can be created by using many ways. In most of the leading countries, the most reliable and cheap common method of generating energy from water are hydroelectric dams, where water comes down through an area that causes turbines to rotate and then energy can be captured to run a generator. Power can also be generated from the energy of tidal forces or wave power, which uses the energy created by waves. 1.2 Technology in different countries Technological advances in the plants and in power transmission make it feasible to build hydroelectric plants in remote locations, far from where the power will be used. The Itaipu Dam on the Paranà ¡ River between Paraguay and Brazil can produce up to 12,600 megawatts of power. This plant, opened in 1982, supplies nearly all Paraguays electricity and one-quarter of that needed for Brazil. Tasik Kenyir (Lake Kenyir) Sultan Mahmud hydroelectric power station in Malaysia has a capacity of 400 megawatts of power. One of the largest hydroelectric projects in the world is Chinas Three Gorges project on the Yangtze River. The dam, designed to control the devastating floods on the river, includes a large hydroelectric plant. With a capacity of 18,200 megawatts, Three Gorges is projected to be able to provide up to one-ninth of Chinas electricity needs. China has also built many small hydroelectric plants for local use around the country. 1.3 Stage of development of Hydro Energy Hydroelectric power grew rapidly after that. In 1886 there were 45 hydroelectric plants in the United States. By 1889, 200 plants were generating electricity by using water for some or all of the power. At the same time, hydroelectric power plants opened around the world. Italy built its first hydroelectric plant in 1885 at Tivoli, in the mountains outside Rome. The plant initially powered lights in the nearby town. But by 1892 a second plant in the same location was providing power to Rome, the first long-distance power transmission in Italy. Other countries with good conditions for hydroelectric power soon built plants. Canada, France, Japan, and Russia were among the first on board. During the period from 1900 to 1950 the use of hydroelectric power increased rapidly. 1.4 Economics and politics involved Hydro energy systems have a big impact economically as the system provides energy to public where they are charged for the serviced. While this process go on capital usually comes in the market where every one gets a portion of the business or makes profit for there business. Politically the system can make a difference for example if there is a natural disaster the government will make a loss. 1.5 Cultural and decision making in different countries Many countries in the world use hydro energy system to create electricity in a lower cost. Currently Canada comes up top of the list for high usage and the United States comes in second. One of the main reasons the following countries took the decision to use hydro energy system the most to produce electricity is because its a renewable energy, which means it will not be depleted over time and it will consistently be replenished. It is also a clean energy source. 1.6 Possible Problems when using Hydro Energy One problem that can happen when using hydro energy is that it sometime can change the natural flow of the water which can make it possible to harm plants and animals in the water. It can also damage areas and wildlife, as when creating a hydro electric dam, areas should be flooded. 1.7 Profitable Hydro Energy system Other reasons that many countries want to use hydro energy is that it is cheaper than using other methods to convert energy to electricity. It is also reliable and can be used almost immediately when turned on to meet the demand for electricity. Therefore, one must weigh the pros and cons before deciding to use hydro energy to supply their demand for electricity. 1.8 Application of Hydro Energy our Major A hydro energy plant can absorbs the energy of falling water to generate electricity then a turbine can converts the energy of falling water into mechanical energy. Then a generator has to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy.  Hydro plants can be in different size from micro-hydro that power only very few homes. A Dam can raise water level of a river to create falling water.  Also the dam can control the flow of water. The reservoir that is created is will practically stored energy. The force of falling water should push against the turbines blades causing the turbine to turn in one direction. A water turbine is similar to a windmill,  except that the energy is provided in different way, falling water instead of wind. The turbine should convert the kinetic energy of falling water into a mechanical energy. Generator that is connected to the turbine via shafts so  when the turbine turns it makes the generator to rotate also convert the  mechanical energy from the turbine into electric energy. Wave Energy 2.1 Background of wave energy Waves are naturally caused by the wind which blows over the sea level. In many part of the world, the wind blows with different force to provide waves that can be used to produce energy. There is high level energy and force in the ocean waves.  Wave power can devices  and extract energy directly from the surface ocean waves or from pressure fluctuations below the surface. Wave can also be generated wave when earth quack takes place. Wave power  varies widely  in different parts of the world, and wave energy cant be usefull effectively everywhere. Wave-power can be found in different areas of the world include the western coasts of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the  north-western coasts of the United States. 2.2 Technology In the current market technologies and design in wave Energy system has improved tremendously. The industrial wave power station/plant has to use a shoreline chamber, in which seawater comes and goes naturally. As the water come, the air in the chamber is pressurised and forced to go through a hole into the turbine, to make it turn. As the water recedes, the air is goes back, leaving the turbine turning. The turbine then can be connected via a shaft but the new technology is using belt to the generator where energy will be converted into electricity. 2.3 Impact on environment In todays world wave power is considered as environmentally friendly. Most complain usually come from local neighbours as it can be a bit noisy, landscape, or affect of roads leading to the sites. These complains are currently seen as disadvantage. 2.4 Political and Economical Impact Wave energy has made a big impact economically and politically from years. Economically in a way when a project take place it brings capital together which means everyone small business, contracts labourers, shops and many get a portion of the business and earn them profit. Politically it can affect the government if the project does not work because of a natural disaster. 2.5 Application of wave energy Kinetic energy naturally has to be in the wave that moves in the ocean. The energy can be used to power and run a turbine. Following the example in diagram 1 below wave should rise while reaching the chamber. The forces of the rising water actually have to push air out of the chamber. The moving air in red colour shown in the diagram spins the actual turbine which will manually turn the generator. After this process wave down, air flows through the turbine and back into the chamber through doors that are normally closed. Others system actually uses up and down motion of the wave to power piston that moves up and down inside the cylinder. That piston should be able to turn a generator. Tidal Power Wave Energy Diagram 1 Comparison of different energy system Hydro Energy Hydroelectric power has other benefits as well. Dams and hydroelectric plants last a long time. This means that once the costs of building are paid off, a hydroelectric plant becomes a relatively inexpensive source of electricity. Wave Energy Wave energy system is as good as hydro energy. Advantages are it does not disturb public in case there of noise. Disadvantages are it can cause damages in case there are sea storm and also mite be difficult for engineers to do any maintenance. Wind Energy Wind Energy system work nearly the same way wave energy works. Before engineers used to place big turbines in land but now technology has improved same system can be build on sea and works as good as any other system. Conclusion Following the discussion between different kind of energy systems. Energy is a very important factor in todays world. As technology level is rising better energy system is been design and tested. Currently a new energy system has been tested which works under water. The turbine system is fixed on the ground to protect against vibration. The turbine system rotates with the help of sea water pressure. Engineers and government of all the leading countries are investing more energy system because they are pollution free and do not need any expensive fuel.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Psychological Theory And Research And The Foxwood Inclusion Education Essay

â€Å" Inclusive instruction is concerned with all scholars, with a focal point on those who have traditionally been excluded from educational chances – such as scholars with particular demands disablements, kids from cultural & A ; lingual minorities, and so on ( UNESCO, 2001 ) † This is an inclusion which was set out by the guidelines for learning. With that being the instance it is difficult to grok why some students with SEN, who â€Å" attend mainstream † school, are frequently still separated from their typically developing equals. This is known as integrating and was identified to hold 3 types ; location, societal or functional- ( Warnock, 1978 ) . . It can be seen by the survey of students with SEN who attended categories in a particular unit- Sinclair Taylor ( 1995 ) . Here it was found that these pupils, even though they had SEN, were cognizant of how others around them thought about them and knew they were non like the remainder of their typically developing equals due to this separation. The classification of those with SEN is based on medical rules and factors which Belanger ( 2000 ) researched and schools frequently abide by this theoretical account prior irrespective of their consent or want. What features can be identified that are consistent with the recommendations from psychological theory & A ; research? Inclusive instruction is centred on the human right to instruction, which was asserted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948: â€Å" Everyone has the right to instruction†¦ † ( art.26 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights ) From the present article it was addressed that the really word picture of what inclusion is to each individual needs to be addressed in articles environing this subject, an as Booth and Ainscow ( 2002 ) pointed this out as being â€Å" cardinal † to inclusion but which is frequently left out, The present survey does a good occupation to turn to their conceptualization of what inclusion is early in the article. From the Education Act ( 1981 ) and the Education ( NI ) Order ( 1986 ) the authorities had been be aftering a steady patterned advance towards inclusion. This entails that all kids should hold entree to a basic but good quality education- ( Frederickson & A ; Cline, 2002. ) There is grounds that kids can do appropriate advancement in a mainstream scene if specific course of study distinction and instruction schemes are employed ( Manset & A ; Semmel, 1997 ) . In the Foxwood inclusion, this was adhered to as the single plans were developed for the demands of each kid alternatively of them seeking to suit into a stiff plan or course of study that would non function their best involvement. Pupil diverseness is something which needs to be accounted for in order for successful inclusion to happen. Wedell ( 1995 ) besides reported that stiff learning methods and regulations that merely cater for typically developing pupils may do issues for pupils with SEN. Local instruction governments ( LEAs ) are now draw a bead oning to explicate 1why a kid ‘s demands can non be met in mainstream schools if they have SEN, 2 why inclusion can non be achieved without the intervention to other kids ‘s instruction 3and why inclusion puts emphasis on resources portraying it to be complicated to supply schools with resources. Some have implied that the impression of inclusion extends further than simple integrating. It is people ‘s revised thought that has led to a re-conceptualisation of â€Å" particular demands † . If troubles had by the students are recognized, it makes advancement more likely. Communication between those involved in the kid ‘s integrating into the new school was recognised by the Foxwood inclusion programme as being imperative. Mainstream categories, predating and during the first phases of debut of students from the SEN school, were provided with a equal readying bundle. This included workshop activities which were held by an inclusion squad member and besides the category instructor. This provided the pupils with information to help their supportive interactions towards the kids with SEN. The kids with SEN wore the same uniform as the remainder of the kids in the Foxwood inclusion strategy. This brought a sense of integrity and belonging to the kid as they were visually granted the sense of adjustment in and being the same as the other pupils. This characteristic has been given more attending in the US than the UK. What farther developments could be suggested? In a survey carried out by El-Ashry ( 2009 ) the relationship and attitude of instructors towards kids with a disablement and their inclusion into mainstream schools was investigated. This showed a negative attitude from the instructors towards these kids. However, instructors that reported a relationship with one of the kids with a disablement spoke more favorably of their inclusion. This could hence be implemented in schools and reversed to happen out the attitudes of kids with SEN towards their instructors and in add-on, the instructors ‘ attitude towards them. It could give penetration into the possibility of the kid with SEN picking up on the instructors ‘ attitude towards them and their ideas on inclusion, whether it is negative or positive. Conveyance to and from school would necessitate to guarantee the obliteration of a seeable barrier implemented between mainstream and SEN. If kids with SEN are required to utilize â€Å" particular conveyance † this is a seeable separation of them from their equals e.g. â€Å" The xanthous coach. † Goodman and Burton ( 2010 ) used â€Å" Semi-structured interviews to analyze instructors ‘ experiences and attacks to including pupils with BESD in mainstream instruction † . They stated that they found this difficult â€Å" due to a deficiency of resources and degree of proficiency † . Their work showed that although the sum of work done was extended and hence a assortment of schemes for working with pupils with BESD identified, they were still concerned that instructors still raised by issues resembling those recognized in policy over 20 old ages ago. This would propose that despite the alterations that have been made ; already established obstructions to guarantee inclusion have yet to be addressed. There would necessitate to be more schoolroom helpers available to help the instructors every bit good as the pupils. Wedell ( 2000 ) really stated that for effectual inclusive instruction at that place needs to be a greater alteration than is presently acknowledge d. Educational psychologists have a cardinal function to play, nevertheless the assorted demands placed upon them raises issues as to how they can concentrate on inclusion to accomplish a coveted result every bit good as support from specializer instructors ( Takala & A ; Aunio, 2005. ) Therefore once more at that place needs to be more resources and services available in any inclusion scene, nevertheless, the Foxwood inclusion did demo grounds of this. Information and communications engineering has potential for larning among students, as has the development of equal tutoring. This could advance the sense of belonging and credence for kids with SEN every bit good as a sense of duty towards them from their equals, which in bend may turn out to decrease the extent of intimidation. Class Wide Peer Tutoring, ( CWPT ) was used to heighten the spelling public presentation and societal interactions of three typical pupils and three pupils with mild disablements in an probe by Sideridis ( 1996. ) The consequences showed a addition in the truth of spelling of all pupils, an addition of pupils ‘ continuance of positive societal interactions and eventually the satisfaction of pupils and instructors showed an addition besides. Another survey showed the same consequences, although somewhat less clear cut, with regard to kids with autism ( Ward and Ayvazo 2006, Mc Donnell et Al 2001. ) If this was incorporated it could demo success and advance coveted emotional and societal success for both the kids with SEN and their equals. In such scenarios, learning and larning becomes a collaborative activity. How might the undermentioned facets be investigated: the societal competency & A ; affectional operation of the kids with SEN, and the attitudes & A ; behavior of their schoolmates towards them? Gresham et Al ( 1997 ) described this, societal capableness, as â€Å" multidimensional concept made up of societal accomplishments, adaptative behavior and equal relationship variables. † There are multiple ways in which societal competency or ability can be investigated. A technique which could be used would be the Roster and Rating Scale. It provides the kids with a record of all those being targeted for the intent of the consequences, i.e. , their schoolmates. The numerical graduated table is explained and the kid rates each kid in conformity with this. Forced Choice Group Preference Record is besides one which can be used. Connolly ( 1983, cited by Frederickson & A ; Furnham, ) emphasized the hazards of recognizing unpopular kids, yet, Fredrickson and Furnham ( 2004 ) argue that this fact-finding method is suited for mensurating societal inclusion and besides noted that few researches supported Connolly ‘s claim as small grounds was found to reenforce it. Frederickson & A ; Graham ( 1999 ) reported dependability and cogency with respects to the information which the method produced. The present survey investigated some of these facets by analyzing the relationship between strong-arming and exploitation between kids with SEN and their equals. In a reappraisal by Gresham ( 1997 ) it was concluded that kids with mild disablements had poorer societal accomplishments and besides displayed more clogging job behaviors. They were unsuccessfully accepted or discarded by equals. However, it is Important that the instruction proviso giv es extra attending to warrant that kids who have SEN are non subjected to severe societal rejection since they lack expertness in cardinal societal and emotional countries. Dodge et Al ( 1982 ) illustrated that kids with SEN experienced troubles in certain societal state of affairss as they found it hard to construe these state of affairss in the manner that their equals could. The â€Å" Guess who † societal behavior, bully and victim steps developed by Frederickson & A ; Graham ( 1999 ) was used in the Foxwood inclusion strategy and is utile for the indicant of the pupils sentiments to give an penetration into the attitudes towards the kids with SEN. Some worried that if kids with SEN were incorporated into a schoolroom or school with typically developing kids, that the typically underdeveloped kids would be disrupted. However research by Kalmabouka et Al ( 2007 ) found there to be no unfavorable effects for the first initial pupils when SEN kids were included in the school. In the Foxwood inclusion article, it was reported that Trends in equal studies of strong-arming suggest that there is no room for complacence and that ongoing monitoring is required. Humphrey ( 2008 ) worryingly admitted that after their research for including kids with SEN among their equals that â€Å" none of the schemes outlined here or elsewhere are likely to be successful unless they are underpinned by nucleus values and attitudes that include regard for ( and jubilation of ) diverseness. † Decision of inclusion The current Foxwood inclusion strategy made usage of bing research and schemes, every bit good as guidelines for successful inclusion. The students were good supported and accepted contrary to Warnock ‘s ( 2005 ) uncertainnesss. The equal readying bundle may be responsible for the differences among the consequences of credence. They admitted more research would be insightful. In order for the concerns of intimidation and credence within the schoolroom, the literature could be farther examined to set into topographic point any suggested which may farther better the state of affairs. Combined work on inclusion along with the hereafter developments discussed supra could hopefully retroflex the consequences shown by the Foxwood strategy except on a more cosmopolitan graduated table. The inclusion of a kid would normally come about by the petitions of the parent or the kid ; therefore it is the figures in the educational system, pupils and parents etc to guarantee the kid ‘s e xperience is worthwhile.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

how Far Do You Sympathize With Heathcliff?

Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 by Emily Jane Bronte a year before her death. It is a love story between a poor, savage, gipsy called Heathcliff and a wealthy respectable woman called Catherine Earnshaw, set on the Yorkshire moors. Hindley, who is cruel, jealous and power-seeking, is the master of the Heights after Mr Earnshaw dies. He treats Heathcliff like a slave. As Cathy and Heathcliff grow up together their friendship develops into a passionate relationship. However Cathy betrays Heathcliff by marrying Edgar Linton from a neighbouring house named Thrushcross Grange, which is a very large house whose owners, the Linton's, are very wealthy. In spite Heathcliff marries Isabella Linton, to gain money and respectability. The second volume of the novel is the sons and daughters of the first generation almost repeating history, and it ends in Master Heathcliff owning both houses. Heathcliff entered the story as he was brought to Wuthering Heights by old Mr Earnshaw. He was a starving orphan from the streets of Liverpool. Bronte portrays him as a mysterious character, very cold, stubborn, heroic and extremely emotional. When he arrived Heathcliff was referred to as â€Å"the gipsy brat,† and â€Å"it†, by Hindley and Nelly Dean, the housekeeper. This made Heathcliff very angry, which is understandable. Old Mr Earnshaw's fondness for Heathcliff fuelled the jealousy of his son, Hindley, and the compassion of his daughter, Cathy. Hindley treated Heathcliff very badly, almost like a slave and inferior. â€Å"Heathcliff you may come forward' cried Hindley.† He added: â€Å"You may come and wish Miss Catherine welcome, like the other servants.† Heathcliff was denied education. This made Heathcliff extremely rebellious and because he and Cathy had become good friends they used to escape from the Heights and enjoy freedom on the moors. This gave Heathcliff a respite from his mental torture at Wuthering Heights. One night out on the moors Heathcliff and Cathy visited Thrushcross Grange. Seeing Edgar Linton and Isabella Linton fighting, Heathcliff and Cathy were seen and thinking they were robbers, Edgar set the dog on them. Cathy was very badly hurt and had to stay at the Grange for some time. With Cathy gone, Heathcliff had lost his only friend, and his life became one of total slavery and misery at the hands of Hindley. He realised how much his friendship with Cathy meant to him. When Cathy came back from the Grange, recovered, she was clean, well dressed and turned into a proper lady â€Å"with fine clothes and flattery.† When she met Heathcliff again she was extremely happy and Heathcliff was glad that things were back to normal again, â€Å"Cathy, catching a glimpse of her friend in his concealment, flew to embrace him; she bestowed seven or eight kisses on his cheek within the second.† But when Cathy stopped, and burst into a laugh because he was very dirty Heathcliff was very insulted and confused by the change in Cathy. Cathy's return created a huge surge of confidence in the new master of Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff was patronised at every opportunity, â€Å"make haste Heathcliff, the Kitchen is so comfortable.† And when the Linton's are asked to dinner, Heathcliff tries to smarten himself up to please Cathy but is just humiliated. The final straw for Heathcliff is over hearing a conversation between Cathy and Nelly Dean. â€Å"It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff,† he heard Cathy say. He ran off and didn't return for three years, because he felt that everyone at the Heights and the Grange was against him. After this time Heathcliff comes back from being abroad and he has become richer and more civilised and his appearance has smartened up, only to find that Cathy has married Edgar Linton. However this wasn't a shock to Heathcliff because there were talks of this happening before Heathcliff went away, but he still blames Cathy for this betrayal later on in the novel. Heathcliff went to the Grange, where Cathy was now staying and asked to see her. When they met he â€Å"bestowed more kisses than ever he gave in his life before.† After five minutes of seeing Cathy, Heathcliff broke down and showed some soft emotion, for the first time in the novel; â€Å"Oh, Cathy! Oh, my life! How can I bear it?† I think that Heathcliff didn't want to go away if he felt this strongly about Cathy but he was forced to. The story continues with Heathcliff marrying Isabella Linton but treating her very badly as his true love is Cathy. Isabella realises this and knows their marriage is doomed: â€Å"She slipped the gold ring from her third finger, and threw it on the floor. ‘I'll smash it!' she continued, striking with childish spite. ‘And then I'll burn it!' And she took and dropped the misused article among the coals.† This results in a character change, because up until this point I have felt sympathy towards Heathcliff. From here on Heathcliff becomes darker, more cynical, and frustrated. Catherine Earnshaw died in child birth. Heathcliff was outside when Nelly Dean came out to tell him about Cathy. At first he tried to keep his cold, hard image but once he asked about how Cathy died he broke down into â€Å"a cry of humiliation.† â€Å"And – and did she ever mention me?† After asking this question and finding that Catherine didn't recognise anyone before her death, Heathcliff became very angry: â€Å"May she wake in torment!' he cried, with frightful vehemence.† â€Å"Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest, as long as I am living! You said I killed you – haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murderers.† Heathcliff couldn't bear living without Cathy. Cathy was the only person that Heathcliff could really talk to, and he loved her immensely: â€Å"Be with me always – take any form – drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!† Heathcliff had lost his one true love. This left him angry and incredibly sad which explains why he wanted Cathy to haunt him and never rest. Some could see this as a sign of madness but I feel sympathy for Heathcliff because Cathy was is only friend and true love but she has died without Heathcliff fulfilling his true feelings for Cathy. After Cathy's death Heathcliff becomes very cold, hard and vicious. He returned to the Heights to find that Hindley wanted to kill him. But the fight ended in Hindley's death. This led to the question did Heathcliff murder Hindley? After the fight Hindley drank a vast amount of alcohol, but I am not sure that a young man can drink himself to death in a night, so maybe there is a possibility that Heathcliff had something to do with the death of Hindley. This is very serious, and could a bad childhood be the cause or an excuse for this? Heathcliff has had an awful upbringing being patronised, treated as a slave and denied education. But what Heathcliff does in his latter life with the other generation of Linton's and Earnshaw's could be inexcusable: Isabella leaves him with a baby called little Linton. He is very weak and Heathcliff doesn't accept Linton because he isn't like him. Hareton grew up to be a savage, dirty boy just like Heathcliff when he was younger because like Hindley, Heathcliff denied education to Hareton. As old Edgar Linton was dying Heathcliff made young Cathy marry Linton by locking Cathy up in the Heights whilst her father was dying at the Grange. Heathcliff was doing this because he wanted Thrushcross Grange and all the wealth from the Linton family. Finally Cathy and Linton were married, Cathy was free to go to be with her father and shortly after they were married Linton died. Heathcliff wrote Linton's will and in it stated that Linton left the Grange to Heathcliff. During this whole episode Heathcliff was cruel to Hareton for two reasons: Hareton was very fond of Cathy but Cathy treated him like an inferior because he couldn't read or write, and because Hareton was the son of Hindley who had tormented Heathcliff from the day he set foot in Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff felt a lot of schadenfreude towards Hareton for this. It is clear that Heathcliff's personality changed after Cathy died but can his awful upbringing be to blame for his actions in his later life? We are told little by the author of his early childhood treatment before he came to Wuthering Heights. We can only expect that his life before was one of rough street living and neglect. In this case I do feel sympathy for Heathcliff because he wasn't accepted by his new found family and all the people who were nice to him died, namely old Mr Earnshaw and Cathy. Heathcliff has been denied happiness and true love and is in a state of desperation when he wants Cathy to haunt him because he will accept love at any cost and in any form. I can only feel sympathy for someone who has had a life long experience of bullying and exclusion: â€Å"He would stand Hindley's blows without winking or shedding a tear, and my pinches moved him only to draw in a breath, and open his eyes as if he had hurt himself by accident.† A quote from Nelly Dean who I think deep down sympathizes with Heathcliff because she was there when Heathcliff was getting brutally beaten by his master Hindley. When she was the narrator Nelly portrayed Heathcliff as the ‘ugly duckling.' She realised what his up-bringing had caused and passes her knowledge on to the reader. Isabella Linton feels the exact opposite towards sympathizing with Heathcliff. Isabella doesn't know what Heathcliff has been through and because she has been brought up by the Linton family who disliked Heathcliff. She is biased and thinks bad things about Heathcliff. Nelly Dean tries to portray an un-biased view on Heathcliff. She understands what he has been through but at times cant help hating Heathcliff and as readers because Nelly is the ‘neutral' character in the whole novel then Heathcliff can be felt sympathy for. Heathcliff's character is far too enigmatic to simplify. Bronte portrays Heathcliff as a violent person. He regularly beat his wife Isabella: â€Å"a white face scratched and bruised,† and he threw a kitchen knife at her head which struck beneath her ear. He beat young Cathy whilst she was trying to escape to visit her dying father and Nelly Dean in the same incident. He has no compassion and feelings for anyone in the novel except for his rescuer, Mr Earnshaw, and his true love, Cathy. It is easy to feel hatred for him at his treatment of: Hareton, little Linton, Isabella and Edgar, whom he taunted and humiliated openly. The greatest insight to Heathcliff's character is found early in the novel in chapter four where he blackmails Hindley into giving him Hindley's colt after his own went lame: â€Å"You must exchange horses with me; I don't like mine and if you won't I shall tell your father of the three thrashings you've given me this week, and show him my arm, which is black to the shoulder.† Heathcliff taunts Hindley further knowing he can manipulate his temper and the tussle ends with Hindley punching Heathcliff and shouting: â€Å"Take my colt, gipsy, then! And I pray that he may break your neck; take him and be damned you beggarly interloper! and wheedle my father out of all he has.† And this is exactly the out come of the novel as Heathcliff orchestrates the inheritance of both houses. One through Hindley's debt, and the other through tricking little Linton in to altering his will. Maybe the reason for Hindley's mistreatment towards Heathcliff is because he saw the side that no-one else saw. The vindictive, manipulative, and the dark side of Heathcliff which he recognised while they were both still young boys. As I conclude my analysis of Heathcliff's character I find my sympathy does not lie with him, but I wonder what Heathcliff would turn out like if Mr Earnshaw would have lived longer and if Cathy had married him.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Education And The Intellectual Era Of Enlightenment

The educational system that we have today was built in the intellectual era of enlightenment. Our educational system hasn’t changed since then and no one has complained about it before or made a new educational system to propose. Our educational system today is mainly about math and English which limits the creativity for a student to want to do something else with his life then count numbers or read books. When children are placed in kindergarten they tend to have more creativity then older ones who are in middle school or high school. A student in kindergarten is given more free time to be creative then just be given homework for math and English. That is usually the cause of many students failing in school or lacking interest for school. If I had the opportunity to change the educational system I would make three changes. The three changes that I would make would be adding more courses of performing arts, students getting the opportunity to change their major before college , and I would remove preschool before kindergarten. First, I would add more courses of performing arts and anything artistic in middle school. Students tend to lose their creativity when the go into middle school since there is no art classes or performing arts class so if a student wants to be in dance then they have to wait until high school so it effects their interest in school. It is very easy for a young adult to lose interest in something but it is more difficult for a child to lose interestShow MoreRelatedThe impacts of the Enlightenment on the European Society 1398 Words   |  6 PagesThe impacts of the Enlightenment on the European Society The Enlightenment is also referred to as the Age of Reason. These names describe the period in America and Europe in the 1700s. 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